Welcome to my website

Oh, hello!

This is my website, where I'm publishing fanart, what isn't on my deviantART. And things from dA too, with more personal thinking.

I'm big fan of anime and manga. I love fantasy, so here'll be too some pistures with The Lord of the Rings, Hobbit etc.

This web is english-slovak web, because I want publish here some fanfictions in SLOVAK, before I'll submit them on dA in english.

My other websites:




Thanks for visit!




24/09/2012 20:23
Najprv by som sa vám všetkým chcela poďakovať že sem chodíte a čítate tieto moje kraviny čo píšem, pozrela som sa na štatistiky a mesačne mám vyše sto ľudí, tak ja neviem či 100 rozdielnych alebo jeden stále sleduje (čož by bolo celkom creepy ale nevermind, som rada že mám fanúšika :)) Tak dúfam...


I'm sorry... AGAIN

09/03/2012 23:51
I'm really sorry, that past and this week I didn't update any posts, but I had hard week at school, I'm nervous as hell, because next week is AnimeShow and I must finish cosplays... And I lost my notebooks with fanfictions... I found it, but right now I have REALLY NO IDEA where the f*** I put...



17/02/2012 23:08
I'm very sorry, that I didn't upload 2 new chapters last and this week, but I'm sick and I feel terrible, so I can't... And I've got only 1 chapter, so... For now I have free, because of school and hobbys (dance lessons and art school)... I'm really tired... Please, forgive me, now it's really...


Try it on - Slayers fanfiction

05/01/2012 21:39
WARNING!This fanfiction is in SLOVAK, so you must: 1. be from Slovakia 2. use google translate and try read. Fanfiction will be share on deviantART, after I will translate it... Fanfiction is submitting one chapter per week, but if I wouldnt have any time, it be...


Visitors notice

05/01/2012 21:29
Let your visitors know about news and events on your website as often as possible. You need to keep your website up-to-date so that your visitors will get used to visiting your pages regularly. You can use RSS feeds to deliver new articles directly to your readers.


Website launched

05/01/2012 21:28
Our new website has been launched today. Tell your visitors why you have started a new presentation and how it benefits them. Mention your goals and project advantages. Try to briefly give your visitors reasons why they should return to your pages.





Mám pokračovať v práci na sérii Ruby, Topaz, Sapphire (príbehy o Liosse)? (bude buď 3-dielna alebo 5-dielna)



Total votes: 0